Well well so im pleased to announce i have a program that lets me get on to every site china has blocked me from even on campus!! FINALLY!! so that means blog update time!
End of semester was really sad ive had a lot of good friends return home so goodbyes were hard! Our last night we ended up partying China style with multiple amounts of Soju shots and kareoke with my friends and a seperate dinner with my classmates!! Ive really met some wonderful people who i will never forget!!

I was lucky enough to come home for the semester break (4 weeks) it went really fast!! It was really great to come back to warm weather as Beijing has been facing weather in the -11’s or there abouts!! My boss was also nice enough to let me work for a month which i was really grateful for! Also it was my birthday!! So I celebrated with my close friends at my house and just had a barbie and drinks!! A really chilled out day which is what i wanted!!

Since coming back ive been placed in Pre-Intermediate class which is a really comfortable level for me as i felt if i went up to intermediate level i would of missed out on alot of vocab and important grammar structures. So far im really enjoying it got a very wide range of backgrounds in my class! Very happy to be joined by 2 girls from Canberra and they help me represent and argue about how good we are!! Haha!! This semester we have 4 classes instead of 3 we have Speaking,Listening,Comprehensive Grammar and Extensive reading. We are set to learn 1000 characters this semester which scares me but im sure it can be done!

So far ive had my Dad come over and visit with another couple and i had the pleasure of playing tour guide and taking them around to the historical sights in Beijing and translating for them! Which was really fun and good speaking practice as dad had me miss out on a days class!! We visited the Great Wall again!! Dad only managed to climb for 10 mins before he retired!! And me and Angie and Adam continued on!! I am glad to report that this visit being the 3rd time now was successful no injuries!! I just had to add that I'm really looking forward to a few more of my friends coming over in the next few months one of them being one of my best friends Bee and her boyfriend Darren in May!! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS!!
Until next time 再见!!